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Back in the game

It’s been quite some time since I put pen to paper, so to speak. I haven’t really made an effort to communicate the current state of affairs because, well…I wasn’t sure what they were. Somebody told me to not make any decisions after a show as emotions can run high when you step off the stage. And that was certainly true for me. I wouldn’t quite say my head was in a bad place. It really wasn’t in any place…at least any place relating to bodybuilding. I won’t pretend that the two shows and low placings didn’t affect me. I don’t do this just to see what happens. I come in with a very specific goal. So there was absolutely disappointment in my brain . But I walked away with the intention of letting the dust settle and allowing my desire to come back organically. And so that’s what I did. I focused on life for a bit. Benji and I made a vacation out of being in New Jersey/New York. Then we went back to France. I took a new job. I did some living.

For the most part, life has settled. I’m close to ironing out the details of my new routine. I believe there is only one more traveling event in the books. (And that should be interesting. I’ll be going off-shore to see an oil platform for the first time.) After that, I should have no issues buckling down and being 100% focused on prep.

The motivation is coming back and getting stronger by the day. Training has improved lately. I feel like I’m finally ready to get back in to it. Wish me luck.