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The birth of FitnessPunch

I can’t believe it’s taken almost four years to get to this point. I’ve had the name and idea for FitnessPunch for years. I’ve had ideas. I’ve had goals. I’ve had a passion. What I didn’t have was courage. I always found a reason to talk myself out of moving forward. I always doubted my ability to help others. I questioned if anybody would want my help. Well, 2019 is the year of change and of growth. And so, here we are. After years of watching Benji train, listening to him discuss the latest research in nutrition or supplementiation, late nights of staying up and bouncing ideas off each other, after years of growing together we’re now officially working together. FitnessPunch started as simply an Instagram name. Now, it’s a business; it’s a family; it’s place to channel all of our knowledge and passion and deliver life changing packages to our friends and family. I could not be more excited to start this adventure and share with all of you what we love doing. In addition to getting FitnessPunch running and developed, there will still be some prepping for shows. Both Benji and I will be hitting the stage this year. He’s still working through his plans but I’ve started the countdown to Jr. USAs. We’ll use this blog to document these journals as well. So come read along as we navigate this new path in life. And let us know what you would like to experience with us!