Road to Pro

It’s a bit cliche in the world of bodybuilding. But, it’s the game plan. We’re now just over 15 weeks from Jr. USAs. Excited and nervous are just the surface emotions. Last July I competed at USAs and brought home 3rd; just narrowly missing the win. I won’t lie, it stung a little to come up just short. BUT, I was incredibly proud of what was accomplished. I was in the best shape I’ve EVER been in. I learned more about myself and the process than I thought I could. And I had my first healthy prep. At the end of it all, I walked away proud, but hungry. I had high hopes stepping on that stage, but I wasn’t truly sure I was nationally competitive. That day, I was. I’m more determined than ever to prove I still belong on that stage. So, here we are, just over 15 weeks from stepping back onto a national stage. Over the next few weeks I’ll be documenting what I’m feeling, most of what I’m doing, and overall how the experience is going. I recently had a little set back when I came down with bronchitis. But I’m not scared of a little hard work. Now that I’m about 90% recovered, it’s head down and grind time. For me, the journey is just as important as the final destination. This is my journey to success.

The struggle is real...

The birth of FitnessPunch