Anxiety Busters

Different people will experience anxiety in different ways; sweating, heart palpitations, panic attacks, worrisome feelings, etc. The good news is you CAN take control of your anxiety. When you learn to identify what triggers your anxiety and find how you can manage it, you’ll be in a place where you can live a life of happiness and peace.

Surviving the holidays!

With all the holiday treats, parties, and obligations, it can be difficult to find the balance between enjoying the season and not losing all of our progress and healthy habits. Here are some easy-to-follow tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle without missing out on the fun!


With all that is going on currently, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and consumed by stress. It’s important to be able to identify those moments and have a method or two to reduce that stress. Prolonged periods lead to long-term health risks. These tips will help you gain control over your stress and anxiety and lead to peace and mental wellness for the long term.