Five Easy Exercises to Strengthen Your Back

Five Easy Exercises to Strengthen Your Back

We put a lot of stress on our backs. There is no arguing that the last year-plus has resulted in many of spending a great deal more time sitting. Working from home has allowed many people to work all day from the bed or couch. And that has resulted in some terrible posture and back pain for many of us. And then there’s just the dreaded aging process that often results in back pain. The other day I had to do the math to remember how old I was…so as much as I’d like to pretend I’m still a young buck, nope. The good news is there are simple exercises that can help keep those back muscles strong.

Five easy exercises to strengthen your back and core.

The following moves can be done using a resistance band or body weight. As you become stronger, you can absolutely add in machines or heavier weights, but they are intended to be universal enough that even those working out with no access to a gym can become stronger!

Hyperextension/Superman Lying face down on the floor or a stability ball, reach your arms out in front of you and lift your arms and legs off the floor (in a superman position) and hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat five times.

Row Depending on the length/type of your resistance band you can do this with both or single arms. Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Wrap the band around one or both feet. Keeping your elbows close to your body, pull the band back and drive your elbow back. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

*If you’re doing these with weights (DBs, a gallon of milk, your puppy), do these standing. Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other to keep stability, bend over slightly and support your body with one arm/hand on a counter or wall. Pull the weight up while keeping your elbows close to your body.

Wide row Wide rows are performed the same as the above row but with a wide range. Rather than keeping your elbows low and close to your core, lead back with your elbows just lower than your shoulder height. Be sure to not raise your elbows above shoulder height. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Rear fly Standing upright, hold the band in both hands, arms stretched out in front of you. Keeping your core tight, pull your hands away from each other as far as you can. Keep your arms at shoulder height. Perform 3 sets of 15-20.

Abs/Plank An important part of having a strong back is having a strong core. Lying on the floor face down, push yourself up onto your hands and forearms into a plank position. Hold this position for as long as you can. Perform this 3 times, with a 1-minute break in between.

Strong backs are about more than just looking good. Strong backs allow for good posture and the ability to perform daily life functions without pain. Try these and tell me what you think!!!

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