Surviving Summertime Fun

Surviving Summertime Fun

Summer holidays are my favorite. Personally, I love the warm weather. I will take sweating over freezing any day of the week. And so many of the events take place outside, which is kind of my favorite place to be. So, I tend to get really excited when it is almost time for all those outdoor grilling events.

Sometimes all these events and outings can have us stressed and feeling like we have to bail on our goals because we can’t possibly enjoy an outdoor BBQ without going off the deep end….right? For the last few years, I have always seemed to be in or about to start prep for a competition. I never knew how to find the balance between sticking to my goals AND enjoying time with friends and family. In the beginning, I would turn down invitations to do things and spend the warm days alone, inside, being sad I was missing out. I’ve learned that food at a gathering doesn’t automatically mean bailing on my goals.

Here are the best ways I found enjoy all those holidays and parties without busting the diet or setting myself back.

  • Have protein with each meal. It’s easy to hang out at the snack table and munch on chips and dip for the entire party. I’m not going to lie, it’s exactly where I’d like to be stationed any time I go to an event. Make sure to work some protein in so you’re getting the nutrients you need and filling up on more than just chips and dip.

  • Sometimes we have a specific plan we need to follow and that’s ok. Or sometimes we know what will be provided and it just doens’t sound like what we want. Don’t be afraid to bring your own food, if necessary. This was something that was a bit of a game-changer for me. Often times I wanted to eat what I knew was on my plan (or sometimes I was just hesitant to eat the unknown as I was afraid I’d feel sick). I thought my only solution was to skip the party. If I brought my own food I’d look stuck up or unfriendly. WRONG! 1-these people were my friend and family. and while there may be the occasional person who doesn’t understand, the majority are and will be supportive. 2-who cares? you’re completely within your rights to do what works best for you!

  • Similarly, there were times when bringing my food wasn’t much of an option. In those situations, eat before you go.

  • Bring variations of the foods you know will be there that work with your needs to share with others. If you know the party will have grilled hamburgers but that doesn’t work for you, bring what does work and offer to have more for others interested. Bring dips or sauces that you prefer so you know you’ll have options. Not only will you be able to stick to your plan better, but you’ll also possibly turn your friends and family on to other varieties of the same things they enjoy.

  • My last tip is to enjoy the celebrations and time with family and friends. At the end of the day, being in the moment and enjoying life is far more important than stressing over the food on our plates. If you choose to “cheat” or go off-plan or indulge, that’s ok. it doesn’t mean all progress is lost. Say, “I had a good time, and tomorrow I’m back to my regularly scheduled program.” If you choose to bring your own meals and “risk” being questioned, that’s ok. Simply say, “I’m doing what is best for me.” These holidays and events are about being with family and friends. It’s time we won’t get back so enjoy it however you see best.


Need some easy healthy meal ideas? FitnessPunch has you covered. Click below for some diet friendly fast foodies.

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