That work-life balance...

That work-life balance...

At just under 10 weeks out I’m finally starting to get a routine worked out. You’d think we would have this figured out by now. This isn’t my first round. And Benji has been doing this for longer than I have. But every year we learn something new and every year life throws us new curve balls. And you’d think him not being in prep would make it easier. But this is a lifestyle for the both of us. So not being in prep doesn’t mean he doesn’t still follow a plan. He has his own goals and his own nutrition plan to follow. The hardest part is working around his rotating shift schedule. There are periods where we don’t see each other for a week because our schedules are so off. So cooking and meal prepping together has become an art for us. All things considered, I think we’ve mastered a plan that works for us. When possible, we shop together. He grills all of the food. I portion, vacuum seal, and pack the meals. Every day I set aside his and mine in the fridge and it’s become as routine as breathing. It works. That is, until I end up in a turnaround at work. That’s where the fun begins. And that fun starts next week. The thing is, he works 12.5 hour shifts, then has a 2.5+ hour commute, and finds time to train. He barely has time to put on PJs before it’s time to start his day over. And I don’t mind picking up the slack when he’s working. We share the load, just not like most people.

Tough love

The struggle is real...